Saturday 8 September 2012

My Smexxaii Outfitt ;o

OML! Love this outfit sooo much ;o... can't even say how much I love it :D

Tuesday 4 September 2012

What The Hell? :$

Hehe! Okay so right now, I'm still fuming from what happened, and what I was accused of :D. But after i've posted my bitchy posts... I'll get over it! Basically, I fell out with my mate over her looking at my conversations, that were very private, on another persons account. I don't wanna cause trouble, but this is my blog and I can do whatever I want because it's mine. So don't come complaining to me that I've ruined your life blah, blah, blah. Because this is my blog, where I write how I feel, to make me feel better.

Clever right -.-

Okay so most of you won't get what this post was all about, but the people close to me will get it. Basically, this person <. Was dating my best friend, who I've known for soon long, he's like my brother, and he told her his password, so she could go onto his account and look at all his conversations. I obviously didn't want her to look at my conversations with the guy. So i told him that he should make a new account, however, she went on his account and saw this, and immediately jumped to conclusions, that I was this awful person, but you don't need to know the whole story. Thinking that she was clever, she put a new status and deleted this status off her profile, so no-one else saw it, making me look like the bad guy! I'm probably being proper awkward by posting this, but after everything she put me through, I don't feel bad about it anymore!