Friday 24 August 2012

Stupid -.-

Okay! So it's been a while and to be totally honest, I forgot about my lil blog. Woops! But I'm back and what a way to start by posting yet another pointless photo of my 'fantastic' life on MovieStarPlanet! 
This was like 3 days ago, honestly it was one of the most boring mall's I've ever been to in my entire life... It was like being stuck in a room, full of people you hate so much. Clearly I didn't know any of these people because if I did, and I hated them, they would have clicked that lil red exit button before they could blink ;) But I think the thing that made it awkwarder was the fact that my ex-bestfriend was there, see that naseri dude? Yeah, we used to talk 24/7, but somehow we grew apart... I know its just a game... but the people you meet on there are real, and when you talk to someone everyday, you do get close to them! It weird and I probably wouldn't talk to anyone I know about it because: 

  1. It a kids game.
  2. Anyone I know would probably laugh.
But that's whats so good about having a blog, you can write to people you don't even know, so even if they do laugh, at least you don't know about it.

Monday 20 August 2012

Press Ups :o

Don't really remember who these lads were! But omg they were soooo lovely! To prove it, they started doing press ups, personally I think it was them showing off... but hey I aint complaining! :)

Saturday 18 August 2012

My Bestest xox

This guy < is my best friend. He's been there for me 24/7, the good times have been absolutely epic, and the bad times... well we haven't had any :D. I love him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thiss much n more! He's like my big brother, I hope it always stays like that (:

Friday 17 August 2012

My 'Hawt' Bestiee xox

Woop (:
Because he's the coolest person I know xox I love him to pieces! My shexxaiilovelykindcaringgawjussfunnayyysillay

Thursday 16 August 2012

Bestiee =)

Okay, So now I'm getting into this posting every single thing that happens on this game thing! I thought I'd involve probably the most special person in it. He's like a brother, I dont think I could try to count the amount of good times we've had together. He's gunna kill me for not taking another photo... but oh well! He loves meh reeeaaallyyy <3 Luff yuh maxxieee xox

Mall :D

Okay so, second post. Doing quite well as most technology rejects me :-). So basically me n my 2 matiess are stood in this mall, and we're all talking :D Thatss it!

First Post :)

Okay! So I'm Poor xox
So Im sorta new to this blog thingy, but I thought I'd give it a try! I think a blogs where's you write to total strangers and they read what you've written?! Im not to sure! I decided I'd be awkward and start of with this lil picture here :D Thats just me! :)